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Digital Twins for Better Policy Making

Cities Innovating for Other Cities

DUET is developing and validating the use of Digital Twins for better policy making. The three city test beds cover a range of scales for testing different scenarios related to the field of mobility, health and environment. These policy domains were chosen for testing purposes due to immediate policy needs in all areas and the fact that these issues often intersect and impact each other, providing a perfect opportunity for robustly testing the Digital Twins with multidisciplinary input and multi-sectoral output. 


Starting from a similar data cloud concept, three city test beds - each committed to digital transformation - have been chosen to cover different geographical scopes, spatial challenges, and policy needs and will be rolled out in a cascading order to (a) have more efficient use of resources (b) demonstrate transferability towards other cities and regions, (c) ensure lessons learned are captured and used during the project.  The piloting will end with the cities using each others data/models/APIs to demonstrate interoperability and potential for Policy Ready Data-as-a-Service. 

The Flanders DUET Digital Twin will concentrate on the design of new measures, implementation of actions and evaluation of the success of actions as foreseen in for example Flanders Regional Mobility Plan, and the Flanders Environment Plan20 which aims both for smoother mobility through actions that are kinder to the environment and reduces the impact on human health.

Image by Elijah G
Athens City

Athens sees data informed decision making as a key pillar for city and business transformation. In an era of exponential and constant change, Athens wishes to embrace Digital Twin use to understand city relationships and overcome engagement barriers with stakeholders, co-create new innovative digital services and deliver new business value.

City of Pilsen

The Pilsen Digital Twin will focus on the interrelation between transport and noise pollution in a 3D environment. Noise pollution in the city environment is influenced by many factors. One of the factors is the local road transport - especially the traffic volumes that pass by the built-up environment, types of vehicles and traffic conditions such as speed limits.

About the Project

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DUET has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.870697.  This website represents the views of the DUET project only.  Read our Terms & Conditions.


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